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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Obama Pledges Gun Control in SOTUWith Or Without Congress

One year after Newtown, President Obama brought up gun control again in the SOTU speech.  Last year he urged congress to act after the Newtown tragedy, just two months prior to the 2013 SOTU, however the Senate failed to pass any gun legislation.  Opponents including the NRA spear headed a campaign to oppose any gun safety law implementation.  President Obama said in this latest SOTU address, "Citizenship means standing up for the lives that gun violence steals from us each day. I have seen the courage of parents, students, pastors, and police officers all over this country who say 'we are not afraid,' and I intend to keep trying, with or without Congress, to help stop more tragedies from visiting innocent Americans in our movie theaters, shopping malls, or schools like Sandy Hook."  Even though the President only mentioned gun control once in his current address, it is thought perhaps he understands congress will not act on this.  It appears he will use his executive action authority.  Obama can not effect the law more than making the background check procedure more strenuous and thorough, including a focus on not selling firearms to the mentally ill.  It should be noted that after the 2013 SOTU address 23 executive actions were taken to strengthen gun control laws. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Personal Political Profile - beliefs, views and ideals

I am a married, mother of one 12 year old son, 3 dogs, 1 cat, 1 lizard who works as a full-time R.N.. Unfortunately, like many Americans these days, I do not have the luxury of keeping up, as well as I would like, with all of the political culture, figures and controversy that is available via the vast media sources available today. However, I do have a strong idealistic view of what a democratic political landscape and culture should look like.

I would describe myself as first and foremost to subscribe to democratic views. I used to, as those who are younger do, have a very rigid view of  democrats vs. republicans (and in my mind, now years later I realize ignorant as it may have been, in my mind, right vs. wrong). As I have matured I have become much more accepting of those on the left, right and everything in between. I would say most Americans, even those who are politically minded, would categorize themselves as belonging to one "camp" or the other - but generally, we all have one or two outliers that prevent one from being completely defined by one party or the other (even ideologies). That said, I believe that politics strongly resembles organized religion - there are those extremists who would die for their religious beliefs and do anything (lie, cheat, steal, kill) to defend them - just as there are in politics, and there are those who are casual religious believers who define themselves as "spiritual" but do not necessarily subscribe to a particular religion or visit church every Sunday. Unfortunately, both religion and politics often seem to separate people from one another instead of bring them together. This is why I decided to become more accepting of those who hold different political views than my own, and to concentrate on the commonalities we share to bring us together instead of focusing on the political beliefs that may keep or tear us apart.

 I do, however, behind closed doors, hold a belief of an idealistic way America should be, despite how logical it would be to obtain and attain. My ideal society would be one that would respect one another no matter what race we are, job we hold, or background we come from. We would respect the differences of our neighbors, friends and family as long as those differences did not hurt, exclude or hinder anyone. Government would give us the freedom of true expression, while protecting our lives and property and would strive to resolve conflict in non-violent ways first and foremost (including involvement with foreign countries).

I believe I would define myself as primarily liberal with a few conservative outliers. Based on the four ideological types, narrowing categorization down further between the following: liberal, communitarian, libertarian and conservative I would say I most identify with communitarians. However, the aforementioned ideology is based on the fact that my ideals and morals just happen to run parallel to those who conform with many laws present in society, therefore by following upheld rules, regulations and laws already in place I do not feel like my personal freedoms are violated. I think something important to mention is if your current belief system is in accordance with the laws currently upheld in society and you value freedom - you are not going to view yourself as much as a liberal as someone who feels restricted by the current laws and regulations in place - as they would be constantly rebelling against them. I would say my values would be equality first, then order, then freedom - but if I felt my believe system was constantly being restricted I would say I would value equality first then freedom then order.

I have lived through the elections of Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Bush, Clinton and now Obama. Definitely the election that affected me the most was that of Obama, I felt very passionately that he should be elected. I was proud to cast my vote and see the first black President elected. Obama has lifted me up at times and let me down at times, but I am glad to call him the President of the United States.

Ideally I think those in the World should learn to do communicate with one another and respect our differences and attempt to understand one another. What is the source of some long standing beliefs in certain countries? Understanding takes time - but if it can save lives from preventing war and strife - isn't it worth it to take that time in the end? It's easy to appear to be communicating and listening when two people, leaders, countries hold a discussion - but are they really understanding each other? I think understanding and compromising is the key to other countries co-existing with one another in a non-violent manner.

I have posted images of several political figures who, recently, have been stirring up a great deal of controversy"

Hillary Clinton - What are her chances in the 2016 election?

Bob McDonnell - What was he thinking using political monies for his own personal gain?

Chris Christie - Did his own power go to his head?

Bob Gates - Are Tell-All books politically correct?

Thank-you for the opportunity to blog, vent, cheer and learn.
